Information about the Fylo/Hofstad tour movie

Saturday, March 05, 2005  

Once the DVDs arrived, I think I'd just felt such a relief to finally have everything finished that I became easily distracted by other things. I'd recently started a new job, had my sister visit from NYC, dealt with getting my practice space burglarized and then recovering some of the items, etc etc etc. So the final last step, the public release, seemed to be slipping away. I began to worry that I wouldn't have time to release it before Chad went off to Australia for a few weeks.

So last weekend I called up the Rendezvous and booked their newly renovated downstairs, "El Grotto". It turns out that I had my pick of nights since they had a pretty open schedule, but all the anxiety of letting everything slip by must have gotten to me, and I jumped at the first Wednesday I could get. That meant that I only gave everyone a 5 day notice.

But it worked out just fine in the end. John Cocci brought the video gear, including a projector that was amazingly crisp and bright. I brought my home stereo, which turned out to be plenty loud. The room was packed, not the 50 or 60 that I'd expected but it was full enough that latecomers had to stand in the neighboring room.

People seemed to catch all the "good" spots, especially with the subtitles turned on, so overall I have to say I am happy as could be with the results. There are still a lot of DVDs left but that just frees me up to give some to the local artsy video shops.

It's been a long road. The first post in this blog was on January 24, 2003, just a little over two years ago.

I want to thank Chad, Jon, Jeff, and Lance for letting me film their every waking moment for a solid week. Thanks to John Cocci for donating the equipment and Happy Palace mix. And thanks to everyone on the Fylo family tree for putting up with That Guy Jim's drunken tall tales about some great movie that no one ever really expected to see.

posted by Jim | 11:00 AM
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clips of the week