Information about the Fylo/Hofstad tour movie

Saturday, November 13, 2004  

VERY BAD NEWS: Last night the hard drive that stores all my movie files decided to die. Some parts of the file system seem accessible, other parts are definitely hosed, or maybe the mechanism is hosed.

I believe I have backups of everything but this could definitely delay things.

posted by Jim | 1:44 PM

Friday, November 12, 2004  

I'm now about 29 minutes into the movie with subtitles. Only 50% left to go!

posted by Jim | 6:12 PM

Thursday, November 11, 2004  

Well the new software finally arrived, but it still didn't fix the problems with my old project, so I have to start over again from scratch with the subtitles.

This time I'm typing them up in an external text file, which I can import into the project all at once. That way, even if it crashes again in the future, I won't lose much work at all.

I just finished the first chapter, which is 11.5 minutes long. That took about three hours, so it's going pretty fast now and I'm past the point where I left off before.

It's been pretty easy to transcribe the slang, but so far the most difficult scene was the "melee vs. waylay" conversation. They have a word that sounds like "maylayer", for someone who melees. I didn't want to completely break the spelling so I used "melee'r". Sometimes people phrase sentences in ways that don't seem right, but I'm trying to enter exactly what they say, even if it looks like a typo.

That scene also has a lot of overlapping dialog, but fortunately a lot of it was repetitive so I was able to pick out a continuous thread that made sense and revealed all the comments.

Here's how it looks:

When you're a true Harbor melee'r dude. When you're a true Harbor melee'r.

When you're a true melee that is all about being drunk.

It's all about gettin' drunker, and gettin' drunker.

But really, melee is all about bein' ready to toss a couple fists.

Melee is all about not stoppin' until you drop.

But what's waylay?

Oh, waylay!


Take that M and turn it upside down, baby!

Waylay is the double time.

"The Shocker!" Yeah dude.

Waylay is a whole other story, dude.

Waylay is a complete other story, dude.

Actually it's a lot of fun to go through the dialog this deeply, and I discover little things that I hadn't really heard before.

On another note, over the past couple days I've been working on the DVD case, and it is starting to look pretty good. The overall design is mostly done, I just need to tweak a few things, particularly the explanatory text on the back that will try to convince strangers to watch the movie.

posted by Jim | 6:25 PM
progress update
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