Information about the Fylo/Hofstad tour movie

Friday, October 01, 2004  

This morning, Melanie and I watched the rough draft DVD again, and we came up with 48 tweaks to make for the next pass. Some of them were small, like moving a title to a different place on the screen. But some of them will have a big effect, like using a limiter on the audio to prevent the nasty digital clipping sounds.

Then this afternoon I cleaned up 30 of those 48.

I've also spent a good bit of time this week trying to make a clean-looking DVD menu. Originally I'd planned on using an old-fashioned map of the Northwest from 1855, but it didn't fit in with the present-day feel of the rest of the movie, so I'm scrapping that.

Then today I thought about using the actual tour T-shirt as a chapter map, but now I'm not as much of a fan of that idea because my chapters are based on the day of the week, whereas the tour shirt has a line for each show. So I still might use the shirt but use my own text for the chapters.

posted by Jim | 4:14 PM
progress update
clips of the week